
Tariffic’s AI based engine ensures that all goods, parcels and small packets you ship or receive have the correct HS Code automatically and quickly assigned.

A correct HS Code will help to ensure a fast and smooth customs procedure which will increase your service quality.


Automatically match product descriptions with Harmonized System 6 or 8-digit codes.


Tariffic build in "HATE SPEECH" recognition will ensure that the provided product description is relevant.


Provide the product description in any language and Tariffic will assign the correct HS code,


Make your own list of dangerous and prohibited goods and Tariffic will make sure that you will be able to correctly process them.

Let tariffic assist you!

Easy to implement

The service is easy to set up with the Tariffic API.

Easy to monitor

The service can be easily monitored and managed vid Tariffic control panel.

Reduced costs

Avoid manual labor. Fully automate the process of assigning HS Codes and spend less on human resources.

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